Keto Salad Pizza

Adapted from Abbot’s Pizza Company in Venice, CA

If you don’t have access to a Trader Joe’s, stop reading now. Just click away. Go back. Nothing for you to see here. You're really not missing out.

But if you DO have a Trader Joe’s near you, rejoice, for you can create your own majestic vegetarian keto version of the great icon of Venice Beach, the Abbot’s Pizza Company salad pizza. 

Your local Trader Joe’s is the keto vegetarian’s best friend, and I shall oft proclaim my love, especially as they continue to level up the low-carb options like their Cauliflower Crust. (They also now sell cauliflower rice and frozen zoodles [zucchini noodles], but you can make noodles yourself with a spiralizer very inexpensively). I suppose you could try to make a cauli crust on your own. I have, and found that it’s a lot of work for pretty mediocre results. But it’s quite possible that you may have more patience and skill than I. In the meantime, the Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Crust is a gift for all your keto flatbread and pizza needs.

If you do visit Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Venice Beach, take a keto break and savor a slice of the real deal salad pizza at Abbot’s Pizza Company. You can order a whole salad pizza with gluten-free crust if you like, but I just go for a ready-made slice. I was lucky enough to go to Napoli in Italy, home of pizza, and was astounded to discover salad pizza on a menu there. So it’s apparently not just a California thing. Here’s how to make it a thing where you live: 



  • Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Pizza Crust
  • Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Seasoning
  • About 1 cup Sour Cream
  • Fresh mozarella cheese, sliced into rounds
  • ¼ Red Onion, sliced thin


  • Mixed greens – such as Trader Joe’s Herb Salad Mix
  • Plenty of shaved parmesean cheese
  • Avocado, sliced
  • Olive oil
  • Apple cider vinegar (or another vinegar you have on hand)
  • Salt


Follow the instructions on the Cauliflower Crust package for the first round of baking: Preheat oven to 450F, cook crust top down for about 10-12 minutes.

Flip the crust and cook for about six minutes. This is where we take our leave from the box directions, which tell you to cook for another 10-12 mins. That works well if you’re making a traditional tomato sauce & cheese pizza, which is also great, but here we have a salad pizza to make.

After about six minutes, sprinkle the crust liberally with the Everything But the Bagel seasoning. This is an essential part of matching that Abbot’s Pizza Company flavor since the crust edges are sprinkled with a similar sesame magic. But on the cauli crust, just sprinkle the seasoning all over for better results. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Take the crust out and spread sour cream on it, as you would with a tomato sauce. Some of the EBTB seasoning might move around a little and that’s fine. Place slices of red onion on the sour cream, and then top with slices of mozzarella. Place under the broiler on high for about 4-5 minutes, or until the mozza has started to bubble.

Meanwhile, make the salad topping. Mix the greens, sliced avocado and shaved parmasean with a dressing made of olive oil, salt, and apple cider vinegar. Use more oil than vinegar for your dressing and adapt to taste. 

Once the pizza is ready, put the salad on top. You might want to pat it down a little to compress the leaves a bit so it’s easier to eat. Slice, and enjoy the magic. Topped with salad and avocado, this pizza doesn’t keep as long as most. It won’t look pretty on day two but it’ll definitely still taste good if you’re able to save any for later. Reheat it in a toaster oven or oven – like most foods, microwaving won’t bring out its best.