Join Me: Walker Wellness Retreat in Zion April 2018

You don't need a scientist to tell you that it feels so good to go outside. But science has done its good work, and discovered that being outdoors reduces how stressed we feel, by actually reducing the amount of cortisol in our bodies. Cortisol is a stress hormone, and it runs on overdrive for most of us in the modern world. When you feel that anxiety rushing through your body when you're late and the light turns red, that's cortisol, and it might just be at the root of many of the issues that challenge our health and happiness. Psychology Today even called it "Public Health Enemy #1."

If the outdoors can be part of the antidote, southern Utah is home to some of the most majestic natural landscapes on the planet. The weather even tends to cooperate with nearly perennial sunny skies. 

I’m delighted to be joining Amy Walker and her team at Walker Wellness in offering a Wellness Retreat in Zion National Park from April 12-16, 2018. We’ll practice active and restorative Schole Yoga to inspiring modern music, do yoga nidra guided meditation, go on some gorgeous hikes in some of Utah’s most beautiful national parks, and spend time in reflection in wellness workshops. There is also the opportunity to book massage therapy. Every activity offered is optional, so you can always choose what you want to do and spend your time in the way you wish.

The retreat home is gorgeous, with big, open spaces, stunning views, and private rooms and bathrooms. The view of the stars from the hot tub is so clear that you can actually see the Milky Way. The home-cooked food is fantastic. It’s both healthy and delicious, which is no small feat! Vegetarian options are always available, and the delightful Chef Sharon is happy to accommodate special needs.

You can find more details about the retreat on the Walker Wellness website, which also links to how you can contact Amy to sign up. You can also drop me a message via my social channels or email form on my About Me page.

Amy works hard to ensure her retreats are personalized and full of opportunity to connect with people who share your passion for living well. I’m proud to work with her and her team, and would love to have you join us to explore what helps you live a healthy, happy life.